Friday, November 9, 2012

Ketch -UP

EEEE-eeeh. I signed up for a Wego Health challenge for the month of November, which is to blog everyday in November for National Health blog post month. In the beginning of the month I started off with great intentions and high hopes.The first two days were great and then I fell off the wagon.This is something I really want and need to do!!!! So, I will be posting all the blogs I missed and all those going forward. Here's to getting back on track, It's never too late.

November 3.  Conversation with My Doctor

   I can think back to the first time I met Dr. Peter Sayegh, my chiropractor. I was referred to him, by my lovely mother. I walked in his office, I remember thinking to myself this is different from other doctors' offices I have visited. The office was warm and inviting, I was greeted by a friendly receptionist. There were fruit, water and tea available for patients. I filled out some paperwork and shortly after, I was able to meet with Dr.Peter. Now keep in mind I had never been to a chiropractor and had little to no clue what they did.
   Dr. Sayegh was very personable and informative, he explained how our nervous system controls everything. He spoke in a way that I could understand. He allowed me to ask questions and he actually  listened to my concerns. He asked me a question that would eventually change the way I  looked at my health and life, he said,"What are you willing to do to obtain optimal wellness/health?" Hmm, What I am I going to do?, Wait a minute aren't you the doctor, shouldn't you be fixing my issues ( This is what I am thinking to myself). Through this conversation and visits to Dr.Sayegh, I realized that I would need to take responsibility for my health and do what was/is necessary for me to feel good. My health is NO ONE else's responsibility but MINES.
   It is easy to get caught up in the day to day grind and easy to forget to do what we need to do. No matter where you are, whether you starting a exercise regimen, starting to change your eating habits or just starting to thinking about making changes, YOU can do it. We all get off track from time to time and we can all make a conscious decision to make a fresh start Today.

Can you remember a conversation you had with a doctor that changed your thoughts, views or life about your health?

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