Thursday, December 11, 2014


All changes in my life are positive and empowering.

All changes in my life are of my own creation.

All of the changes in my life are positive and empowering.

All things in life change, and I adapt willingly and easily.

Change allows me to experience my true nature.

Change energizes me.

Change helps me to grow.

Change is a wonderful learning experience for me.

Change is exciting and I welcome it into my life.

Changes in my life always empower me.

Each and every day I stretch my comfort zone a bit further.

Each day I do one new thing to improve the quality of my life.

Each day I stretch my comfort zone a bit further.

Every day I am evolving into a more fulfilled person.

Every day I am transforming myself into a more positive being.

Every day I attract people who help me grow.

Every day I make new and positive changes in my life.

Every day I stretch my comfort zone a little further.

Every day I stretch my comfort zone by doing one thing different.

Every day my life changes in positive, exhilarating ways.

Every day my life is changing for the better.

Every moment in my life I see new wonderful opportunities for change.
Che Garman

I came across this change affirmation and it made me smile. Right outside my comfort zone is the beginning of my life. I am excited and looking forward to what's next. 

How do you deal with change? How does it make you feel? I would love to hear your thoughts.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Why You Should Not Compare!

"Comparison is the thief of Joy".- Theodore Roosevelt

Over the past few weeks, maybe even longer than that, I have been comparing myself to others. This would be great, if this was motivating me ,but the opposite is happening.These constant comparisons have not only stole my joy, but has lead to some paralyzing roadblocks.These roadblocks have shown up in my life as different things, such as procrastination, avoidance, pity party and many other things.

As I sat down to write this very blog, I typed in comparison into the google search engine. There were hundred of images, web pages and pins that popped up. I started clicking away looking for the perfect image and reference material for this blog topic. As I continued to click, finding other bloggers discussing the same topic, I automatically started to compare. The negative chatter and thoughts ensued, someone already wrote about this topic and who will read my blog anyway. I thought to myself you might as well select another topic or better yet I will post another day.

Then I realized that I needed to post this blog and break this vicious cycle . This constant comparison to others, can be crippling and paralyzing. Comparison may be useful when used for friendly competition or to motivate. However, if it is becoming this negative tsunami of thoughts and stopping you from moving forward, its an issue.

Here are some tips to remember when you start to compare:

1.  Is it True? When you start to compare yourself, your work or anything to someone else ask yourself if this is true. Most likely it is not. Take a minute and switch your thoughts to something positive.

2.  Be patient. Be your bigger cheerleader instead of your worst critic. Take things one step at a time, knowing that you are working towards something great. Strive to be best and do your best everyday.

3. Connect with positive people. Stay connected with people that inspire, nourish and bring out the very best in you. Go where you are celebrated not tolerated!!

4. You were created unique and there is no one like you in the world. You should embrace this and realized that your voice and purpose need to be fulfilled and only YOU can do it.

Thursday, March 6, 2014


 Happiness is an inside job,no one else is responsible for your happiness!- JJ Flizanes

Are you up for the job? Life is going to happen thats a given ,but how you react is up to you. The sooner you realize that you do not have to wait to be happy the better off you'll be. Stop waiting until you finish that novel, painting, get engaged/married, make a certain amount of money, have a baby, get a divorce, quit your job,ect. The list can go on and on.  If you want to be happy, start NOW!!!

Enjoy the present, it's a gift!

Click below to hear some feel good music by Pharell Williams: HAPPY

Monday, March 3, 2014

You're Right!

Whether you 
Or Think you can't
- Henry Ford

Our thoughts have more power than you can ever imagine.That inner voice should be kind, supportive and encouraging. Sometime we have to believe in ourselves when no one else will. YOU can do whatever your heart desires, you just have to put in the time and dedication.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Keep Moving!

    Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.-MLK
 I  would like to salute all the amazing trail blazers past, future and present. Happy Black History Month!!

Thursday, February 20, 2014