I had laryngitis a few months back and was not able to speak for almost two weeks. At first I was extremely frustrated not being able to speak and communicate with anyone. I wrote notes, sent text, emails, nodded and smiled a whole lot. After my frustration subsided, I began to reflect and took this time to think about why I might have lost my voice and what it might be like if i could never speak again. The lost of my voice did not come from screaming at a concert or singing my favorite song at the top of my lungs. Although either of those would have be good reasons to lost my voice, it just kind of happened.
I believe that everything, good or bad happens for a reason. There is always a lesson to be learn or something we can take away. As my voice slipped away, I turned to my e-book Heal Your Body by Louise Hay (which is a truly fascinating book) , in this book you can look up your health challenge/problem, there's a probable cause and a positive affirmation/thought on how to overcome it.
Problem: Laryngitis
Probable Cause: So mad you can't speak. Fear of speaking up. Resentment of authority.
Positive affirmation: I am free to ask for what I want. It is safe to express myself. I am at peace.
There is was in black and white, fear, anger, resentment ;not speaking up and letting my voice be heard. At first glance I tried to dismiss it, it couldn't be right or was it? After some self reflecting and being honest with myself I realized it was right on the money. I was anger and fearful of speaking up at home, work ,church pretty much anywhere.By not speaking up or letting my voice be heard I was telling myself that what I had to say was not as important as what a co-worker , my boss, my boyfriend, my pastor, anyone else. Which is not true!
I like to give people positive encouragement/support with issues or obstacles they may be facing. It has always been second nature for me to want to offer a helping hand or lend an ear. Which is why, I majored in psychology in college, why I pursued my certification for health coaching and why I am a wellness coordinator. So how could I encourage others to be positive, let their voices be heard and follow their passion, and not be doing this myself! This was definitely a wake up call for me.
Your thoughts become your words and your words become your actions. Everyday I have to make a conscious decision to think positive thoughts and be grateful for the wonderful blessings in my life. I am a work in progress, far far from perfection. I try to surround myself with positive and encouraging people, who will lift me up when I am down.
Last week, Andrea Beaman came to Amscan ( where I work as a wellness coordinator) to present a cooking demo/lecture: Health is Wealth. Andrea is an amazing holistic health coach and natural foods chef. She's a graduate from IIN, where I recently graduated and became a certified holistic health coach. While we were setting up for the presentation, we were talking about public speaking and I was expressing my fear around this area. After the presentation I asked her to sign my copy of Health is Wealth book in it she wrote this:
Your thoughts become your words and your words become your actions. Everyday I have to make a conscious decision to think positive thoughts and be grateful for the wonderful blessings in my life. I am a work in progress, far far from perfection. I try to surround myself with positive and encouraging people, who will lift me up when I am down.
Andrea Beaman and I |
Speak up/out , you are powerful and needed!
I am truly thankful for the encouraging and motivating words from Andrea. It definitely has had a positive effect on me.
We are all humans that are perfectly imperfect beings.We are not meant to be perfect or even run like robots. Our bodies will always give us signs or warnings when something is not in harmony or out of balance. The key is to listen when your body is speaking to you and take the steps to let the healing began. Are you listening to your body?
We are all humans that are perfectly imperfect beings.We are not meant to be perfect or even run like robots. Our bodies will always give us signs or warnings when something is not in harmony or out of balance. The key is to listen when your body is speaking to you and take the steps to let the healing began. Are you listening to your body?